
MatsClock 120048 (Free)

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MatsClock PowerPoint Tips - Using Slide Master

This PowerPoint Presentation Tip is not known to most people. Did you know you could change all the default settings of a PowerPoint Slide including the default background, colour, fonts, place holders and everything else in the PowerPoint Slide Master?

Usually people start creating presentations using the default layout in Microsoft PowerPoint. Then they start changing the background colors, the font type, font color and font sizes. They they start changing the layout of each slide they have already made. You may do many such things wasting precious time which could have been effectively used in creating your content. Now PowerPoint has an easy and automated way to do all this. It is called the Slide Master in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Tip on How to Use Slide Master

Using PowerPoint Slide Master is very simple. Do not use the right click method to insert a slide into your PowerPoint Presentation. Do not even use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+m" keys simultaneously to insert new slide. Instead of all these methods, click on the "Insert" button on the ribbon on top, then click on the "down facing small triangle" you can see next to the text "New Slide" to open the drop down list of all the Master Slides available in your version of PowerPoint.

From this select your Slide Master of choice by just clicking and you will see that particular slide master you had selected getting inserted. Now if you use the keyboard shortcut or the right click method inside the slide sorter the first slide master slide will get inserted. But remember that if you want a particular layout of that slide master to be inserted, then you have to repeat the procedure of going to the insert tab on top.

PowerPoint Tip on How to Edit PowerPoint Slide Master

This PowerPoint Presentation tip is also important. The Slide Masters in PowerPoint are all customisable. You could change any element in the Slide Master. If you change the theme or the background or font etc in the first slide of the Slide Master, all the other slides int that slide master will change. But if you change any thing in the other layout slides under that master slide, then the effect will be seen only in that slide layout of the Master slide.

It is possible to insert New Master Slide. Once you go to "View >> Slide Master", right click inside a blank space between the slides in the slide master sorter view and click the "Insert Slide Master" you will see a new Slide Master getting inserted. It is possible to modify any slide master including the PowerPoint inbuilt slide masters. You can change or insert anything in there including the font, place holders, backgrounds, themes etc. If you want to rename the new slide master you have created or edited, then just right click on that particular Slide Master and click on "Rename" option and change the name as required.

Now close the Slide Master view by clicking on the "Close Slide Master". Now to insert a Slide Master of you choice, use the Insert tab on the top ribbon of PowerPoint and then the drop down arrow next to Insert Slide Master and you should see all the modified or newly created Slide Master listed in the drop down in a graphical representations including the renamed Slide Master. It is as simple as.

All this small effort you do will let you save a lot of time during your PowerPoint Presentation creation and you avoid repeating the same procedure on each slide by just creating Slide Masters. Thus you could concentrate on creating better and engaging content in your PowerPoint Presentations. I hope this PowerPoint tip helps you in saving time and effort in the long run and let you make professional looking presentations in future.

If you want to make your PowerPoint Presentation get a Professional touch, just run one of the MatsClock Digital Clock and you should be able to impress your audience easily and earn even more respect from them.

Free Download MatsClock 120048 - Live PowerPoint Digital Clock

MatsClock 120048 is Live 3D Digital Clock Timer that shows you the time in a snow or icy area with an igloo and an Eskimo family standing in front of their Igloo. There are five different PowerPoint Digital Clock models in MatsClock 120048 which are MatsClock 120048, 120048a, 240048, 260048 and 280048 inside a single Zip file. You may share the video and the MatsClock 120048 zip file you downloaded or any of the Digital Clock PowerPoint file inside it freely without any modifications.

By using MatsClock 120048 you could mesmerise your audience and earn their respect well before your actual presentation topic commences. You could orient your audience towards the presentation and you just by running this MatsClock digital clock on full screen. There are many more MatsClock digital clocks on this website. Just click on the Next Clock and you can navigate through each of these clocks.

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