StopWatch - MatsClock 1361
Download WinZip - All MatsClock are in Compressed Zip files. You will need WinZip to UnZip MatsClock and run them. WinZip can Compress, Password Protect and even Encrypt (AES 256 bit) any type of file and any number of files into a Single file without losing Quality. Save Hard Disk Space and Share Your files Securely anywhere.
Using StopWatch MatsClock 1361
StopWatch MatsClock 1361 is a StopWatch, a Digital Clock, a GMT Clock and a Local Time Clock. Just hover/click with your mouse on the small MatsClock StopWatch dials green, indigo or red and the matsclock big needles magically turns into a stopclock, GMT clock or local time clock. In case the stopclock is running then click on the GMT or Local Time small dials and the stopclock will jump and the big needles turn into local time or gmt. Copy & Paste this HTML code below into your web page to Run MatsClock 1361 StopClock Free Flash Clock in Your Webpage. It is really FREE !
<object id="matsclock" data=""
style="width: 350px; height: 350px"
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="quality" value="High" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
StopWatch - MatsClock 1361
The MatsClock 1361 is designed to work as a StopClock. But concurrently, this stopclock also displays you the local time as well as the GMT or Greenwich Mean Time.
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What is StopWatch ?
A stopwatch is a time keeping instrument used to time an event. For
example you want to know how much time you take to run a 100 meter
distance or how much time does your car take to cover one km. You can
use your normal clock or wrist watch. But as you are looking at the
start of the race you cannot see the watch at the same time. You see the
person start running then you look at your watch to see what time it is
and by then, a second or tow has already passed. To avoid this error of
noting the time after the race has started, you can use a stopwatch. You
can see the race start and press a knob on the stopwatch without looking
at the stopwatch and thus the time is started along with the start of
the event. The stopwatch will run from zero seconds and you can continue
to look at the race. The moment racer crosses the finish line you can
press the stopwatch knob again and the stop watch will stop instantly.
So you did not miss the event and when you look at the stopwatch you see
the exact time the racer took to run the 100 meter race. You got the
accurate time without ever looking at your clock by using a stopwatch.
StopWatch - Better than a Real StopWatch
A stopwatch can be bought from the market for money. But you can save
money using a free flash swf stopwatch instead of a real small
stopwatch. You can use MatsClock 1361 which is a more useful stopwatch
that can continue to display both local time as well as the greenwich
mean time GMT concurrently with big needles showing off the stoptime of
the event. When you use a hand held stopwatch, only you can see the
stoptime. But if you could project MatsClock 1361 StopWatch on a large
screen during a sports event in a large stadium which gives you audience
the analog stopwatch needles along with smaller dials showing off the
GMT and local time will make a big difference. The large stopclock
needles is sure to be more appealing to the crowd watching the event.
Analog StopWatch better than Digital StopWatch ?
Analog needles on an analog StopWatch is anyday better than a digital
stopwatch. This is because, the stopwatch needles can give you a fair
idea of the rate at which time is passing and the rate at which an event
is progressing. One glance is enough to know the elapsed time from
analog stopwatch as we human beings have developed a magical ability to
read time with the angles the needles of an analog stopwatch shows.
Compared to this a digital stopwatch is at a disadvantage because you
have to actually read the digits to know the time and the digital
stopclock give no idea of the rate at which time is passing or the rate
an event is progressing. Thus analog StopWatch is a preferred
instrument. But if you want time to be noted accurately to a tenth or a
hundredth of a second like in case of a 100 meter running race at
olympics, then you have no choice but use a digital stopwatch.