
MatsClock 120057 (Free)

Free PowerPoint Digital Clock

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MatsClock 120057 3D Digital Clock - Download it Free

Free_Download MatsClock_120057  This Free download zip file contains 5 different MatsClocks Digital Clocks designed in PowerPoint namely, MatsClock 120057 MatsClock 120057a, MatsClock 240057, MatsClock 260057 and MatsClock 280057 all of which are contained in this small size MatsClock 120057 zip file.

This Free Digital Clock MatsClock 120057 is designed purely using PowerPoint animations to objects created in PowerPoint itself, to display the capabilities of PowerPoint. You can use this Free Digital Clock and even Share the MatsClock freely with everyone without any modifications to it of any sort. There are hundreds of digital clock for your PowerPoint Presentations on this website which are absolutely free to download, use and share.

MatsClock PowerPoint Presentation Tips - Creating and Animating Objects in PowerPoint

In this PowerPoint Presentation tips, we will be Creating objects and animating these objects are actually very simple. But you need to run your imagination wild and you can find that the possibilites are limitless. How the continuously moving background object was created and animated in the MatsClock 120057 digital clock is discussed below. You could make its vairations too.

Tips for Creating a Moving Background in PowerPoint Slide

There is a beautiful dark blue moving background you see in this digital clock MatsClock 120057. It is very simple to create this. To do this, first open your PowerPoint.

Now on the top ribbon, click on Insert Tab. Then select Shapes and then click the Oval from the Basic Shapes in the drop down menu that opened.

Thereafter, holding the Shift Key Pressed drag your mouse pointer keeping your Left Mouse Key pressed.

The Shift key ensures that you get a perfect circle and not an oval. In this PowerPoint background animation we need a circle to rotate around.

Then Click on the Format Tab and then look for the Size of the object given on the right. You can now change the Height and Width to whatever you want. It is better to keep the Height at 30 inch and Width also at 30 inch.

Once you have changed the height and width, keeping your Ctrl Key pressed, rotate your mouse wheel to Zoom out. You can also use the Zoom feature in the bottom right of your PowerPoint. That helps you see the entire 30 inch x 30 inch circle.

Then using your mouse left key pressed on the circle, move the circle such that your slide display area is just about covered. Do not align the cricle to the center of your slide.

A smooth colour will not let your audience see the movement of this circle. So you need to give a pattern to your circle.

To do this, Right Click on the circle and click on Format Shape. This opens up a dialog box on the right side of PowerPoint.

Click the Fill Option under the paint bucket icon, to open the drop down menu if it is not already open. Now Click on the Pattern Fill option and click on the pattern you like.

YOu can choose the pattern of your choice and select the colours for your Foreground and Background. As you do this, you can see your circle changing colours depending on what colour you selected.

PowerPoint Tips to Animating Moving Background Object

The PowerPoint Tips to give a continuous moving animation to your circle exactly like the way I have animated the MatsClock 120059 digital clock background is as given below.

Click the Animations Tab on the PowerPoint Ribbon menu on top.

Then click the Animation Pane. This will open up the Animation Pane next to your Format Shape menu on the right.

Click the Add Animations and select the Spin Animation listed under the Emphasis type animations.

It is always better to use the Add Animations given to the left side of the Animations Pane on the PowerPoint ribbon so that everytime you choose an animation, it does not replace the animation you had previously put for that object.

On the Animation Pane, click the small arrow on the Animation on the right to get the drop down menu.

In this, drop down menu there are two options called Effect and Timing.

On the Effect option select the amount as 360 deg Clockwise or AntiClockwise as you wish and select the smooth start and smooth ends to zero. You may want to Auto-Reverse. I would leave it unchecked as I want the circle to rotate only in one direction always.

SSelect Start With Previous to ensure that the animation will start running the moment the slide comes into view. The default is "On Click" which if selected will need you to click the slide at least once after it comes into view.

Now Select the Duration from the dropdown menu. If you want slow rotation of the circle enter a higher value like 120 seconds so that the rotation happens very slow and your CPU and graphics card are not over loaded. If your computer is too old then the animation may start jumping during the PowerPoint Show mode.

If you want then delay the start of the rotation of the object by a few seconds then select Delay to the number of seconds you want to delay starting this animation.

The last option is to select the Repeat Until End of Slide option or any other figure in between from the dropdown menu. Repeat until end of slide will ensure that the animation will keep running again and again as long as you are on that slide.

Now your moving background animation on the PowerPoint Slide is complete. Run the PowerPoint in Presentation mode and enjoy the animation you created yourself.

This is exactly the way I created the matsClock 120057 moving background animation. You can Free_Download MatsClock_120057  which is a beautiful Digital Clock designed purely in PowerPoint. Click the Next Clock button to see hundreds of digital clocks and analog clocks on this website, all of which are free to download, use and Share.

I hope these PowerPoint Tips help you in your future PowerPoint Presentation preparations and earn you the most respect from your audience.

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