
MatsClock 120031 (Free)

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Presentation Tips - Automatic Captions or Subtitles in PowerPoint for Hearing Imparied people

Did you know that the  Latest PowerPoint Version  can transcribe your words as you speak them during your presentation directly on the screen?

The subtitles can even appear translated to other languages in real time. You can also setup the position, the font tise, the color and appearance in the options for the captions and subtitles.

The subtitles will help those who are hearing impaired and in the auditorium when there is too much of sound echo or the speakers are not working. Even in rooms where there are no speakers, the people sitting at 10 meters or more may not be able to hear. In such situations, the subtitles appearing will help.

In this case you do not have to type in the subtitles before the presentation. The subtitles start appearing as you speak. You may need Windows 10 or above and the latest PowerPonit Version to do this magic.

How to Setup Automatic Caption And Subtitles in Your PowerPoint Presentation

On the Slide Show ribbon tab, select the Subtitles Settings. If you forgot to do it before and have started the presentation, then just right click on the slide to get the Slide show or Presenter View menu. From this select the Subtitle Settings from which select the More Settings.

Now select the Spoken Language which you are speaking during your presentation so that PowerPoint understands what you are speaking during your Presentation.

There after, select the Subtitle Language option and select the language you want the Subtitles or the Captions to appear after translation on the screen.

Now go to the Subtitle Setting for the Position of the Subtitle where you want the Captions to appear like the bottom or on top of the slide overlaid. The default Subtitle or Caption setting is always Below the Slide. You can change this if you like.

If you want to change the Size, Color, Transparency and Font Styles etc of the PowerPoint Subtitle or Captions then select theMore Settings in the Subtitle Settings.

Once again remember to rehearse your PowerPoint Presentation and see everything is working fine. In case the color or the Subtitle or Caption does not have good contrast, then either change the Color of the Subtitle or make your PowerPoint Slide background darker.

The last PowerPoint Presentation Tip is to have the Subtitles and Captions to start with the Presentation. For this from the ribbon select Slide Show and then select Always Use Subtitles option to turn this option on for all the Presentations.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips for Captions and Subtitles

In case the Subtitles and Captions do not appear on your screen as you speak or the computer or phone used for the PowerPoint Presentation tip is showing wrong words, then see that you speak loudly or may be keep the mic closer to your mouth.

You may also try to avoid too much of background sounds by requesting your audience to be silent. In case there is some background music or audio running, just switch it off.

Have a good internet connection because the Captions and Subtitles are actually running on Cloud based speech service and not from your computer.

I hope these PowerPoint Presentation Tips will help you to deliver a more Professional PowerPoint Presentation in future. You could also impress your audience and earn their respect using Captions and Subtitles in addition to the respect which MatsClock 120031a PowerPoint Digital Clock running on full screen would have already earned you.

Free Download MatsClock 120031a PPT - Live 12 Hour AM/PM PowerPoint Digital Clock

MatsClock 120031 is a Live 12 hour AM/PM PowerPoint Digital Clock designed in  Latest PowerPoint Software. The digital clock is set to run inside a monitor placed on a road in an African mud road. The Download Zip file MatsClock 120031 contains three separate digital clocks. The first one is a 12 Hour digital clock which what you see in the screen capture video above with am/pm suffix.

Run the clock video above to see a 30 seconds High Definition Screen Capture of this majestic Digital Clock running on computer in full screen mode. You can use the green Download PPT button above and use it free. You can even Share this MatsClock 120030 PowerPoint file absolutely free to anyone without any modifications.


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