
MatsClock 120006 (Free)

Free PowerPoint Digital Clock

PowerPoint Digital Clock 120006a     Next Clock >>


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MatsClock 120006 - Free Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The downloaded zip file contains a set of three Free Live Digital Clocks for PowerPoint Presentation PPT Slides. (A 12 hour digital clock, a 24 hour digital clock and an AM/PM digital clock). All these clocks run on latest PowerPoint version.

PowerPoint Tips - Inserting Charts

This is a PowerPoint tip most presentations I have seen are using. Inserting a chart into a presentation is fairly easy. It might look difficult initially, but once you do it a few times, you will start loving it. A chart shows the trends over a certain time period which is otherwise highly dificult to explain to the audience. But a Chart when inserted into a presentation slide will speak by itself.

The audience can comprehend most part on their own from the chart. The presenter just needs to explain a little bit of introduction and what each line or bars stand for. But remember not to put too many text on the slide which has a chart inserted, to keep the chart as the object of focus of the audience.

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