
MatsClock 120012 (Free)

Free PowerPoint Digital Clock

PowerPoint Digital Clock 120012     Next Clock >>


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MatsClock 120012 - Free Digital Clock for PowerPoint Presentation Slides

The download PPT zip file contains a set of three Free Live Digital Clocks for PowerPoint Presentation PPT Slides. (A 12 hour digital clock, a 24 hour digital clock and an AM/PM digital clock). All these clocks run on latest PowerPoint version. Free Download this PowerPoint Digital Clock. If you are going to do a presentation on PowerPoint or using any other software, just imagine how professional would you look if you could have a simple digital clock running on full screen without borders.

This full screen digital clock running in PowerPoint on full screen is stunning and will keep your audience amazed. It is a 12 hour clock and runs the moment you move your mouse from the bottom or top of the screen to the digits on the screen or the dashes. The clock automatically stops the moment you change the slide or exit. Thus this superb digital clock running on PowerPoint will not use your resources at all. What more, MatsClock 120012 digital clock ppsm, is absolutely free to download, use and share on any medium.

PowerPoint Presentation Tips - What Font Colors to Use in PPT Slides?

Presentations on full screen looks best when you have written matter in light font on a dark background. I have always preferred a dark blue background and white font. The font size should be decently large, so that your audience sitting at the far end of the hall can also read what is written on the screen without eye strain. We are talking about the smallest font used in the presentation. Other fonts used like in the headings and sub headings should be slightly larger so that they stand out from the regular bullets.

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